Choosing Love Marriage Conference


Invest in your marriage by attending the Choosing Love Conference.   This Marriage Conference is designed to equip you and your spouse with the tools you need to have a successful, Christ-centered marriage. We will cover things like communication, praying as a couple, conflict resolution and much more.

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more events

Men’s Super Bowl Party | 2.9.25

OpenDoor University Estate Planning | 2.16.25

The Quest Life_Women | 2.23.25

XO Marriage Conference | 2.28.25

Celebrate Marriage | 3.8.25

Men’s Work Week | 3.10.25

Veteran’s and First Responder’s Retreat | 3.21.25

Men’s Quest | 4.6.25

Couple’s Weekend | 4.25.25

Men’s Bold Encounter | 5.30.25

Kid’s Camp | 7.23.25