


REIGN is a regularly-scheduled Kingdom Rallypoint where women from ages 12-112 come to be FUELED to Rule and Reign with Christ spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and creatively; holistically! We laugh hard and cry hard together; we play hard and pray hard together. If you’d like to register for our next REIGN event, click here.

Small Groups

Women’s Bible Study

Meeting Every Monday @ 6:30 in the SPARK Room.
Tuesdays 6:30am – Bible teaching | The Worship Center

Eimas & Lambs 

Momma’s group created to Encourage, Equip, and Empower. Meets weekly on the first and third Wednesdays in the SPARK Conference Room from 10am-12pm

SPARK Blankets for Babies

Making baby blankets and quilts to support SPARK Children’s Ministry. Currently meeting Saturday mornings at the church (as needed).

Seasoned Women 

Called to serve the ministries of ODC through hospitality. Cooking Team meets at the group leader’s home every Friday at 10:00am to cook meals as needed!

WOW “Women of Wisdom” 

Ministry for Widows. Meeting the 2nd Monday of every month at 11am for a potluck lunch and the 4th Tuesday Evening for Fun & Games.

For more information on these groups, please email support@odx.tv